Match (Sub Contract) Certificates per Line


This activity is used to match sub contract payment certificates with specific supplier invoice lines.

Matching is only possible if IFS/Contract Management is installed and if you are running an executable with both IFS/Invoice and IFS/Contract Management installed. You can match the invoice with subcontract payment certificates when you have entered the subcontract reference in the invoice. When a subcontract reference is entered you will have access to all subcontract lines for that supplier. In the Matching dialog, you can modify the Matching Amount and Additional Cost for each sub contract line according to the content of the invoice. You can choose to select all subcontract lines at once or to select specific lines when matching with an invoice line.

Enter the subcontract reference number in the Sub Contract Ref field in Manual Supplier Invoice. Select the invoice line you want to match and then click on Match Certificates per Line to open the Post from Sub Contract dialog. All subcontract lines that have been valuated are displayed. The matching can be performed either for individual lines or all lines. If you choose to match individual lines select the Matched option for the lines you want to match. If you choose to match all lines, click on Match All.
To completely match invoice lines with the subcontract lines, the value in the Remaining field is required to be zero, i.e., the subcontract lines matched are required to equal the net amount entered for the invoice line.


System Effects

When the invoice is saved, a voucher is created with the final cost postings generated according to the information on each subcontract payment certificate line.