Enter Tax Ledger Parameters
This activity is used to enter basic control parameters for the tax ledger.
Using this activity, you can:
- Specify that the system delete any tax transactions that have a False
status. i.e. invoice tax transaction when tax method is payment
- Define the output file directory to store tax report files.
- Specify whether the system should allow the tax number, tax liability
date, tax code, delivery type, income type and the legal identity of a tax
transaction to be changed once it has been fetched to the tax ledger.
- Specify the method to be used when calculating the tax base when the
deductible percentage of the tax amount is less than 100
- Specify whether the cancelled invoices should be included in tax proposals.
System Effects
As a result of this activity:
- If you specified that tax transactions with a False status should
be deleted, tax reports will not include those transactions.
- Tax report files can be saved to the specified output file directory.
- The possibility to change information relating to tax transactions in
the Tax Transactions window will be
determined by the parameters specified in the
Tax Ledger Parameters
- The tax base amount will be based on the value you have selected for
the Tax Base Amount field.
- If you enable the Include Cancelled Invoices option,
the cancelled invoices will be included in tax proposals.