This activity is used to define scheduling information for a location.
Location Types are not mandatory when creating a Location. When the location
has a location type defined the location will inherit the information registered
for that the location type. If information is entered on the location specifically
then this information will take precedence over the information from the location
It is also possible to group locations by defining a locality for
the location. For more information refer to the activity
Define Location Type and
Define Locality.
In this activity it is also possible to define the regions that the location is associated with. If the location is not in a Region then there are no region restrictions for this location. If a location is linked to multiple regions then the resource must also be linked to all specified regions, either directly or via a parent region (or have a value for out of region multiplier which is not 0) in order to be allocated to a work task at this location. For more information refer to the activity Define Region.
It is possible to define the availability of a location. If no availability has been defined for the location the location will always be available. The availability for a location will be defined by connecting a work time calendar to the location. It is also possible to define exceptions to the availability of the location by registering an availability exception in the exceptions page.
It is also possible to define the resource preferences for a location. It is possible to define that one or several scheduling resources are either excluded, required, preferred or non-preferred when carrying out work at the location.
If a scheduling resource is: