Define Shift Utilization


This activity is used to define the shift utilization. Shift utilization is a template that can be applied for resource types or scheduling resources. It is used to define the utilization percentage in a shift that a scheduling resource can be utilized. It should be given in a percentage value.

When setting the utilization on a shift the following logic is used:

1. If utilization per shift has been defined in the Shift Utilization then this will be the utilization that will be applied to the shifts for the Resource.
2. If utilization per shift has not been provided in the Shift Utilization then the Utilization defined in Resource will be set as default to all the shifts that belongs to the particular resource.
3. If utilization per resource has not been provided per resource then the Utilization defined in Resource Type will be set as default to all the shifts that belongs to resources of this resource type.

If a Shift Utilization ID is defined on the resource or the resource type, then the following logic should be applied.

Template Example:

This is how the template will be used for a scheduling period of 8 days. Below table shows the utilization (%) defined for each day.

Start Day

Utilization (%)

2 95





Day 1 = No value is given for the utilization (utilization % defined in Utilization in Resource/Resource Type is used)
Day 2 = 95%
Day 3 = 80%
Day 4 = Not defined in the shift (utilization % defined for the prior day is used i.e. 80% utilization)
Day 5 = 60%
Day 6 = 60% (Not defined in the shift. The utilization % defined for the prior day is used i.e. 60% utilization)
Day 7 = 60% (Not defined in the shift. The utilization % defined for day 5 is used. Therefore the utilization is 60%)
Day 8 = 60% (Not defined in the shift. The utilization % defined for day 5 is used. Therefore the utilization is 60%)


The time interval that is used for the scheduling period is determined in the Scheduling Dataset page. The scheduling period is the total number of days defined in Scheduling Working Days and Appointment Work Days in accordance with the calendar defined for the dataset.

For instance, if the Scheduling Working Days is set to 7 and Appointment Work Days is set to 5 this will make a scheduling period of 12 working days (Calendar defines the working days).



System Effects

As a result of this activity, shift utilizations for a company are defined. Shift utilizations can be connected to resources and resource types.