Set Me as Coordinator


This activity is used to set or change the logged in user as the contractor's work coordinator. Work Coordinator hold the responsibility of performing and completing the subcontracted work either by its own capacity or by creating assignments. This activity has two options, Set Me as Coordinator and Change Me as  Coordinator. You can use the Set Me as Coordinator option on work tasks that does not have a coordinator where as Change Me as Coordinator option on work tasks that has a set coordinator.

Your coordinator responsibility, can later be changed to some one else with the same supplier- user connection.

You can follow below procedure on Awarded Work Tasks page,

  1. In the Subcontract Work Orders > Coordinate Work Lobby Page, find the Lobby Section for Work Awarded and select the No Coordinator Counter  and navigate to the work tasks awarded without coordinator.
  2. In No Coordinator List Group select one of the awarded work task lines and click Set Me as Coordinator command button at the top of the line.

Optionally you can navigate to Work Task Details and select Set Me as Coordinator.



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