Ad hoc Work Reporting


Ad hoc work reporting is the process of creating and reporting of the execution of an unplanned work task by a maintenance technician. This assistant guides you to report the fault information, KPI's such as Cause, Work Type, etc, performed work, measurements, time, costs, material.

When reporting work using this assistant, by default the work task and work order will be created in Reported state. If required, user can select the expected work task status to one of the following states; Work Started, Work Done, Reported, Finished.

Once all required information has been entered, the user can decide to create the work task and work order in Finished state by selecting work tast status to Finished. If automatic authorization of costs is enabled, the costs get authorized automatically. If all costs get authorized, the Work Task and Work Order status is set to Finished. If costs remain to be authorized, the Work Task and Work Order status is set to WorkDone.

After finishing the assistant you can open the created work task in Retrospective Work Reporting - EAM page or Execute Work Task page to view or to modify further.


You can enter or modify any information related to the work task such as the actual object, task description etc. It is also possible to define the work task duration and actual start and finish dates. Further, any information related to the fault and additional information about the work executed can be defined.

Media Items/Documents

You can attach image(s) or document(s) on the fault found and/or the work performed.


If the object selected has a testpoint/parameter defined, you can enter measurements in the Measurements step of this assistant.

Time Reports

In the Time - Expenses step of the assistant, enter time spent by person/s and tool/equipment used to execute work. It is possible to define the Resource Type, Resource Group, Resource ID and Hours to report time spent by any other resource. Once the assistant is Finished, for all the time that has been reported, relevant work task transactions will be created for the reported time with transaction type Person or Tool/Equipment.

Other Costs

You can enter any external costs or expenses incurred while executing the work. To report additional costs the Cost Type, Quantity and the Cost Amount should be defined.


You can report material transactions related to the work executed in this step.

In the Materials step of the assistant - Part Availability for Issue Matrial section, It is possible to select parts to issue from inventory together with serial/Lot batch information if applicable. Once you click Add parts to issue button those lines will be added to Parts to Issue section and will be issued upon finishing the assistant.

In the Materials step of the assistant - Return to Inventory section, it is possible to define the parts to return to inventory together with serial/Lot batch information if applicable. Also, you can select whether to print material tag report and/or material serviceability report for the returned parts. If selected to print, the print button(s) will be available in the success step of the assistant.