Cost Code Selection Criteria


Cost Code selection criteria are used when defining cost code rules to build the code string for certain business events. It is also possible to define several rules over time by specifying the validity period, by using Valid From and Valid Until fields in the Work Task Cost Code Rules page.

Available Criteria

  1. Has Customer: This field gives the option to select the customer existence when defining a Cost Code rule.

  3. Internal Customer: This field gives the option to select the internal customer existence when defining a Cost Code rule.

  5. Has Service Contract: This field gives the option to select the service contract availability when defining a Cost Code rule.

  7. Has Customer Warranty: This field gives the option to define the cost code rules by considering the warranties given to a customer for sold parts(customer warranty).

  9. Has Supplier Warranty: This field gives the option to define the cost code rules by considering the availability of supplier warranty.

  11. Has Project Connection: This field gives the option to define the cost code rules by considering project connection availability.

  13. Is Repair Work Order: This field gives the option to define the cost code rules by considering whether a work order is a repair work order.

  15. Valid from /Valid until: Valid from and Valid until fields are used to define the validity period of the cost code rules. Here, the valid from is a mandatory field. If no valid until value is given, the system considers no expiration date for the cost code rule.
  16. Example: Three cost code rules are defined. All the criteria mentioned from 1 to 7 are same for all three cost code rules, but the date range varies as below.

    Rule no Cost Code Valid from Valid until Description
    1 CC1 01.01.2017 01.01.2019 Cost Code CC1 will only be valid from 01.01.2017 to 01.01.2019 when selecting cost codes for work task transactions.
    2 CC2 02.01.2019 02.01.2020 Cost Code CC2 will only be valid from 02.01.2019 to 01.01.2020 when selecting cost codes for work task transactions.
    3 CC3 02.01.2020 Cost Code CC3 will be valid from the day 02.01.2020

    Note: The system generates an error message if any cost code rule overlaps with each.


  17. Evaluation Order: When selecting cost codes for work task transactions, this mandatory field is used to prioritize the cost code rules. Evaluation order prioritization starts with 1 (highly prioritized) to any number.
  18. Example: Two cost codes are defined. All the criteria mentioned from 1 to 8 are same for all three cost code rules, but the Evaluation Order is different.

    Rule no Cost Code Valid from Valid until Evaluation Order
    4 CC4 01.01.2018 01.01.2019 1
    5 CC5 01.01.2018 01.01.2019 2

    The cost code CC4 is used for the particular work task transaction as the Rule no 1 has the higher evaluation order.