Reposting Work Task Transactions

This page includes the following sections:


Reposting is a function within the Work Task Management solution that allows correction of work task transactions after they have been transferred to finance. Reposting handles changes that occur while the work is progressing on the work task; a change of object, manual changes to the pre-posting, a contract or a project that is connected, changes in posting control - all situations where the postings would need to be updated on existing transactions to the reflect the changes. The benefit of this function is that it makes it possible to start the work and reporting, even if all information is not yet in place on the work task and still get the correct postings in the end.

Reposting is an automated function, but can also be triggered manually. Before a transaction can be evaluated for reposting, the original transaction must be transferred to finance as the voucher must exist in finance in order to be reposted. When work task transactions are transferred to finance, they are also evaluated if reposting is needed by comparing existing posting information with the current setup in posting control, the work task pre-posting and other information on the work task to determine the current posting information. If there is a difference, then the work task transaction is reposted.

It is also possible to manually trigger reposting by using the function Check and Update Accounting. This function can be found on the work task, work task transaction and on the cost line. This can be useful if changes have been made on the work task or the setup in posting control, as it will visualize the changes by reposting the transaction with the latest current posting information.

Reposting is done on the Accounting tab of Work Task Transaction page, so the process of reposted postings can easily be viewed within the Work Task Management solution. When a work task transaction is reposted, the status of the work task transaction is updated to Reposted. Two new posting lines are created; a reversal line that reverses the transferred postings, and a new correction posting line with the new posting information. The created posting lines will have the status Valid or Error and are required to be transferred to finance to apply the changes. Once transferred, the work task transaction will be updated to status Transferred. Postings that are a result of reposting do not require authorization.

Work task transactions are evaluated if reposting is needed until marked as Finally Posted. Even if a work task in status finished is reopened, the work task transaction will not be reposted unless the finally posted flag is manually removed. The finally posted flag can be manually set or removed from the work task. The work task transaction is automatically set to finally posted when transferred to finance if the following conditions are met;

Reposting is part of the cost code solution where it is possible to use Work in Progress (WIP). When the defined WIP reversal point is met, the cost is released from the WIP account and reposted to its final account.

If the accounting period is closed for the date that the transaction is reposted or transferred to, it will automatically be moved to the first date in the next open period.


Required Setup

Work Task Transactions

Reposting is don on the work task transaction, and therefor will all cost reporting on a work task create a work task transaction! Not only when reporting hours for a resource (person or tool/equipment) or entering a manual expense or external cost, but also when for example material is issued or purchased to the work task. This means that inventory transactions, HR expenses, external purchases, supplier invoices, internal purchases and rental transactions, will in addition to its own original transaction or voucher, also create a work task transaction. The work task cost holds the reference to both the original transaction and to the work task transaction. The source of the transaction is displayed on the work task cost line. The different work task transaction types can be; Personnel, Tools, External, Expenses, Work Task Inventory, Work Task HR, Work Task Purchase, and Work Task Rental.

When material is issued, an inventory transaction is created and in addition a work task transaction with transaction type: Work Task Inventory. The cost posting from the original Inventory transaction, posting type: M50 is copied over to the Work Task Transaction/Accounting. The status of the work task transaction is Not Applicable. Once the original inventory transaction is transferred to finance the voucher no is updated to the coped posting line on the work task transaction. From now on, it can be evaluated for reposting. If reposted, the status of the work task transaction is updated to Reposted and the postings to Valid or Error. When transferred to finance, the status is updated to Transferred.

Reposting Work Task Transactions (Personnel, Tools, Manual External, Manual Expenses)

When reporting hours for a resource (person or tool/equipment) or entering a manual expense or external cost, a work task transaction is created in status Reported. The transaction must be authorized and then transferred to finance before it can be evaluated for reposting.

A work task transactions of type: Personnel, Tools, External and Expenses are transferred and evaluated if reposting is needed using one of the  following jobs;

Work Task
Transaction Status
Status after transfer
to finance
Authorized Transferred
Transferred Reposted*/Transferred *Reposted, only if required.
Reposted Transferred

Reposting Inventory Transactions

When material is issued or returned for example, an inventory transaction is created. At the same time a work task transaction is created in status Not Applicable with the cost posting from the inventory transaction. If not reposted, it will remain in this status. If reposted, it will be updated to status Reposted and when it has been transferred to finance updated to status Transferred. Note that the Inventory Transaction must be transferred to finance before it can be evaluated for reposting. When transferred, the voucher no is updated to the posting line to the Work Task Transaction/Accounting.

A work task transaction of type: Work Task Inventory, is transferred and evaluated if reposting is needed using the following job;

Work Task
Transaction Status
Status after transfer
to finance
Not Applicable Not Applicable / Reposted* *Reposted, only if required and if the Inventory Transaction has been transferred to finance.
Reposted Transferred

Reposting HR Expenses

When an HR Expense Sheet is authorized, a voucher is created. At the same time a work task transaction is created in status Not Applicable with the cost postings from the expense voucher. If the work task transaction is not reposted, it will remain in this status. If reposted, it will be updated to status Reposted and when it has been transferred to finance updated to status Transferred.

A work task transaction of type: Work Task HR, is transferred and evaluated if reposting is needed using the following job;

Work Task
Transaction Status
Status after transfer
to finance
Not Applicable Not Applicable / Reposted* *Reposted, only if required.
Reposted Transferred

Reposting Purchase and Supplier Invoices

This section applies to purchases of no parts/non-inventory parts, and supplier invoices. Note that purchases of inventory parts, will not generate actual cost until the parts are issued from inventory.

In this flow, when actual cost is reported to the work task, the work task transaction will take over the cost to a work task specific posting type. This has the advantage that pre-posting on the work task and work task specific information for the purchasing flow can be setup in posting control. With the control type AC10 - Copy from Source, it is also possible to select if any code parts should be copied from the original supplier invoice voucher, to the work task specific posting. This is explained in more details in the below section.

A work task transaction of type: Work Task Purchase, is transferred and evaluated if reposting is needed using the following job;

More about the overtake

Setting up the work task specific posting types

The new postings types have to be setup in Posting control.

When the cost posting from the supplier invoice is overtaken by the work task specific posting type, the code string will be based on information setup for the posting type, information on the work task and pre-posting on the work task. If there are specific code part values that should be taken from M93, M65 or MANUAL, then use Control type AC10 - Copy from Source to get the selected code parts.


The Cost Center should be fetched from the work tasks pre-posting. Code Part D should be used for the work tasks Work Type. Code part E should fetch the Requisitioner setup on Posting Type M93

The result is that when the supplier invoice is posted, the M93 posting is updated to the work task transaction Work Task Transactions/Accounting tab. The M93 posting will have a code part value for Requisitioner on Code Part E. On the work task transaction, the M93 posting is reversed, and a new posting line is created for posting type TP3. Posting type TP3 will get the pre-posting set on the work task (cost center in this example), the work type value for code part D and the Requisitioner on code part E.

Work Task Transaction StatusStatus after transfer
to finance
Not Applicable   When registering Arrival, a work task transaction is created with no postings and therfor it is not transferred to finance. This carries a preliminary cost to the work task.
Overtaken Transferred When matching the PO receipt with a supplier invoice, or when creating manual supplier invoice lines.
Posting Type: M93 is overtaken by TP3
Posting Type: M65 is overtaken by TP65
Posting type: MANUAL, is overtaken by TPM
Transferred Transferred / Reposted* *Reposted only if required
Reposted Transferred

Reposting Internal Purchases

When the no part or non-inventory part has arrived, a work task transaction is created in status Authorized with posting types: TP1 - Maintenance Manual Purchase and TP2 - Maintenance Manual Purchase Counter Booking. The postings are in status Valid/Error, and must be transferred to finance before the work task transaction can be evaluated for reposting.

A work task transaction of type: Work Task Purchase, is transferred and evaluated if reposting is needed using the following job;

Work Task
Transaction Status
Status after transfer
to finance
Authorized Transferred Postings created for Posting Type: TP1/TP2 with postings in status Valid/Error.
Reposted Transferred * Reposted only if needed

Reposting Rental Transactions

Rental for work order consists of three business flows; Rent In, Rent In using an Internal supplier and Internal Charging. In a similar way that the purchasing/supplier invoice flow (refer to the section Reposting Purchase and Supplier Invoices) is overtaken by a work task specific posting type, transactions generated by the rental /purchasing flow is overtaken by a work task posting type for rental: TF3 - Rental Task Purchase Cost. This posting type must be setup in posting control for the rental flow. See more details in each of the described rental flows.

A work task transaction of type: Work Task Rental, is transferred and evaluated if reposting is needed using the following job;

Rental, Rent In

When rental transactions for posting type M234 - Rent In Actual Cost and M235 - Rent In Actual Cost, Non Inv are matched with a supplier invoice, the work task transaction is created or updated with the cost postings from the invoice voucher. The postings are directly overtaken by posting type: TF3 - Rental Task Purchase Cost. The overtaken postings must be transferred to finance before the work task transaction can be evaluated for reposting.

Work Task
Transaction Status
Status after transfer
to finance
Not Applicable If rental transactions are generated before the invoice has been matched a Work Task Transaction is created with no accounting lines. Not possible to Transferred to finance.
Overtaken Transferred When matching the supplier invoice and the voucher is created. A work task transaction is created or updated with the cost postings from the supplier invoice.
Posting Type: M234 is overtaken by TF3.
Posting Type: M235 is overtaken by TF3.
Reposted Transferred * Reposted only if required.

Rental, Rent In, Internal Supplier

When rental transactions are generated for M253 - Work Order Internal Rental Cost Inventory and M255 - Internal rental Cost, Non-Inv, a work task transaction is created in status Not Applicable. When the transactions are transferred to finance and a voucher is created, the work task transaction is created or updated with the cost postings from the voucher. The postings are directly overtaken by posting type: TF3 - Rental Task Purchase Cost. The overtaken postings must be transferred to finance before the work task transaction can be evaluated for reposting.


Work Task
Transaction Status
Status after transfer
to finance
Not Applicable When the rental transactions are created but not yet transferred to finance. A work task transaction is created in status Not Applicable with no postings and can therefore not be transferred to finance.
Overtaken Transferred When rental transactions are transferred to finance and the voucher is created. A work task transaction is updated with the cost postings from the voucher and the status updated to Overtaken
Posting Type: M253 is overtaken by TF3
Posting Type: M255 is overtaken by TF3
Reposted Transferred * Reposted only if required.

Rental, Internal Charging

When rental transactions are generated for M261 - Work Order Internal Rental Cost Inventory, a work task transaction is created in status Not Applicable. When the inventory transaction is transferred to finance, the work task transaction can be evaluated for reposting when it is transferred to finance.

Work Task
Transaction Status
Status after transfer
to finance
Not Applicable Not Applicable / Reposted* *Reposted, only if required and if the Inventory Transaction has been transferred to finance.
Reposted Transferred