Release Purchase Requisition
When a purchase requisition is created, it receives
Planned status. To continue in the
workflow, the requisition must be Released. Use this activity
to change the status of the entire requisition or individual purchase
requisition lines to Released.
You can follow below procedure to release a requisition line:
- In the
Prepare Work Order
search for the applicable work order number or in the work task page search
for the applicable Work Order Number or Work task.
- Navigate to the Maintenance Purchase
page and select the applicable requisition number.
- In the
Part Requisition
Lines or
No-Part Requisition Lines
group, select the requisition line(s) to be released.
- Click Release. The status
of the line is
changed to Released.
To release an entire requisition:
- In the header of the
Maintenance Purchase Requisition
page, click Release. The status
of the header and all lines
changed to Released.
A requisition header and at least one requisition line must have been entered and
System Effects
- The purchase
requisition or requisition line is released and ready to continue in the workflow.
The status is updated from Planned to Released.