This activity is used to report time for the work that has been performed on a work task. The time spent for the Person or Tool/Equipment resources can be specified through this activity. The dialog Report Time or Quick Report or Work Task Time Reports page can be used to report time.
Through the Report Time dialog or Work task Time Reports page, time can be reported depending on the Resource
Group, Maintenance Organization, Time Type or Employee.
Through the Quick Report
dialog, the hours spent and time type can be defined. The logged in user will
be set as the Reported By.
Once time has been reported, relevant work task transactions will be created for the reported time with transaction type Person or Tool/Equipment.
In the Ad hoc Work Reporting assistant, the work task is created after finishing the assistant. So the time reports entered for demand type Person or Tool/Equipment in the Time - Expenses step and the relevant work task transactions will be created after the work task is created.
For service related activities the Time Type can be specified, so that sales lines are created with relevant price information.
Note: If IFS/Human Resource is installed and if the EDITWOTIME property code is defined for your company and has the property value YES, it will be possible to continue reporting or modifying time when the day for the employee is confirmed, authorized or transferred. If the property value is set to No, then it will not be possible to update the time for the employee once the day is confirmed, authorized or transferred. (This is valid for time reported for a resource type Person)
Note: If the AUTO_AUTH_SIGN property for the
MaintenanceConfiguration object LU in the System LU Values/Object
Property tab is set to TRUE, the transactions with cost type
Person is automatically authorized when setting the work task status to
Reported or above.
If the AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_TOOL property for the
MaintenanceConfiguration object LU in the System LU Values/Object
tab is set to TRUE, the transactions with cost type Tool is automatically authorized
when setting the work task status to Reported or above.