Translate Wage Code for Overtime Cash  to Compensatory Leave


This activity is used to enter the translation from overtime cash to overtime saved. In the employee's schedule, the wage codes that give cash payment for overtime intervals are used. When using a data capture device and working overtime, the employee can select the preferred compensation, cash or time in lieu. When an employee requests time in lieu, the overtime-clocking is supplemented with this request, and the calculation exchanges the cash wage codes for the compensation wage codes entered in the translation table. At the same time, the saved time is calculated with a raising factor per overtime wage code and is added to the employee’s compensatory balance. The factor is entered in the Time Balances page.

Specific for specified overtime wage codes

If your working schedules include specified overtime wage codes, it is recommended that you carefully test the calculated result that will follow the definitions in this form. Note that the specified overtime wage code can result in two wage codes after the calculation. Both wage codes must be considered when translating from cash to compensatory leave.


The referenced wage codes must have been entered.

System Effects

Entering an overtime clocking of the Compensatory Leave type will change the original extra time, overtime, and increment wage codes found in the day type to the wage codes entered in this activity.