Compatible Unit

A compatible unit is a set of execution items (work lists, resources, materials etc.) that needs to be performed to get a certain work done. Such as an installation of a transformer in the field including the different skills needed and for how long time, parts/material, tools/facilities etc. It is also used to support structures of compatible units for doing larger units by combining smaller building blocks.

Creating Compatible Units and Execution Items

You can create compatible units manually by using the Compatible Unit Navigator page, or by the overview Compatible Units page.

You can create execution items by adding lines in the Sub Execution Items tab in the Compatible Unit Navigator or by adding lines in the Execution Items.

Status of a Compatible Unit

Status changes are made in the tree structure in Compatible Unit Navigator with Status command. It is possible to change status for one compatible unit alone, or the entire structure. When changing status of an entire structure, if the structure contains execution items, the status of the execution items will not be changed.

Value Definition
Planned The compatible unit is new and under preparation.
Approved The configuration of the compatible unit is approved.
Released The compatible unit is released. That means that the compatible unit has created relevant design object(s).
Active The compatible unit is active meaning that all work orders and work tasks created for the CU's execution items may be Completed and all of its child CU's are Active.
Cancelled The compatible unit can be moved to Cancelled as long as CU is not Active or Decommissioned.

Status of an Execution Item

Status changes for an execution item are made by navigating to the execution item from the Compatible Unit Navigator and selecting the status from Status command.

Value Definition
Planned The execution item is new and under preparation.
Confirmed The preparation of the execution item is completed.
Released The execution item is released. Possible to perform if the compatible unit to which the execution item is connected is in status Released. Work order and work task will be created from the execution item as a result of this status change.
Replanned The execution item needs to be replanned. The status of the execution item will become Planned. This status change is only available if the previously created work order and work tasks are cancelled.
Cancelled The execution item is cancelled.

Create Design Object Structure and Linear Asset from Compatible Unit Structure

To be able to create design object structure and linear asset from compatible unit structure the class relations need to be set up in a specific way. This is managed in the Class Basic Data

When you change the status of the compatible unit to released, all the compatible units that have a design object class and hence a design object id will create a functional design object structure. If a compatible unit have a specified Design Object ID and the immediate parent does not have an ID, a search is done upwards in the hierarchical structure to find a parent. First object found will be the parent. All design objects will get the initial status Under Design.

A compatible unit structure that also is a design object structure is transformed into a linear asset if the design object is connected to a linear asset class. Sub compatible units for the main unit with the linear asset class will become elements, with connected design objects, on the linear asset when released. If a unit within the structure is also connected to a linear asset class, that unit and its sub compatible units will become an own linear asset, unless there is a specific set up made in the Class Basic Data.

Create Work Order Structure from Execution Item Structure

If the compatible unit have a structure of execution items, these execution items will form a work order structure when being released. Planned materials and resources on the execution item will be transferred to the work order. If a child execution item have been released before the parent execution item, and then releasing the parent, the work order structure will be updated accordingly.

Note: Work order with connection type COMPATIBLE UNIT can only be created from IFS/Compatible Unit.