This activity is used to add material lines that are required to perform the work. Expand the tree view in Compatible Unit Navigator and select the defined work list of the compatible unit. Add a record in the Materials tab to connect a material in to an execution item.You can specify whether a particular part number of a material line needs to be created as a design object or a serial object when issued on the work task and the compatible unit is activated.
Non Serial Part Number – It is possible to select a Plant
Class and specify an Object ID against a part number. When the part is issued
on the work task created after releasing the execution item and when the compatible
unit is activated, a design object of this identification is created. It is
also connected as a functional child to the design object, resulting from the
belongs to compatible unit provided that the necessary class relations exist.
Serial Part Number – It is possible to select the ‘Create Serial Object’
option against a part number. When releasing the execution item, this part number
is registered as a material line in the work task. Upon issuing the above material
and activating the compatible unit, serial object is created with an ID as a
concatenation of part number and serial number. It also connects as a serial
child for the functional object resulted from the belongs to compatible unit.
Prior to the connection the parent is set to Planned for Operation
and moved to the facility automatically.
Use Material Demands tab to view a summary of the material requirements for the specific compatible unit/execution item which is being selected. Material requirements are grouped by the combination of Part No. Site and with the supply option (Invent Order or Project Inventory). If the supply option is Project Inventory, the material demand will be clustered with respect to the project activity to which the material demand connected. If the material demand has been defined with a procurement activity, the procurement activity will appear here. If there is no procurement activity, project activity of the execution item to which material connected will appear here