Compatible Unit Processing

Description of process

Compatible unit processing is a process to use when designing a design object structure. It is possible to create a hierarchical structure of compatible units which includes mainly a set of execution items that needs to be performed to get a certain work done. It is possible to create several revisions and also release the execution items to work orders and work tasks. Further it is possible to upgrade or decommission a compatible unit structure.

Create Compatible Unit Revision

This sub process involves creating a compatible unit revision with basic information, such as Company, Project etc.

Configure Compatible Unit Revision

This sub process involves configuring the compatible unit structure along with the execution items, for a top level compatible unit revision already created. In order to configure a compatible unit structure, the required compatible unit template should be defined for top level compatible unit. The configuration process can be performed in the following order:

Manage Compatible Unit Revision

There are several activities that can be performed on a compatible unit revision. These activities involve developing the compatible unit structure along with the execution items and their requirements such as work lists, materials and resources.

Release Compatible Unit Revision

When releasing a compatible unit revision you have to release the compatible unit revision before being able to release the execution item(s). If the compatible unit revision have a structure of execution items, these execution items will form a work order structure when being released. It is possible to enter a connection between a project and a compatible unit. When releasing a compatible unit with a project connection the estimates will transfer to the project (unless the compatible unit is marked as an estimating revision, then the planned cost will transfer to the project even before releasing).

When you change the status of the compatible unit to released, all the compatible units that have a design object class and hence a design object ID will create a functional design object structure. If a compatible unit have a specified Design Object ID and the immediate parent does not have an ID, a search is done upwards in the hierarchical structure to find a parent. First object found will be the parent. All design objects will get the initial status Under Design. Same logic goes for execution items and their generated work orders and work tasks.

A compatible unit structure that also is a design object structure is transformed into a linear asset if the design object is connected to a linear asset class. Sub compatible units for the main unit with the linear asset class will become elements, with connected design objects, on the linear asset when released. If a unit within the structure is also connected to a linear asset class, that unit and its sub compatible units will become an own linear asset, unless there is a specific set up made in the Class Basic Data. This is managed in the Class Basic Data/ Class, under the tab Class Relations.

Activate Compatible Unit Revision

This sub process involves activating a compatible unit revision or compatible unit structure. In order to activate a compatible unit revision, work orders and work tasks connected to the execution items may be completed. Even if the connected work orders and work tasks are not completed it is possible to activate the compatible unit revision. When the compatible unit revision is set to Active status, the associated design objects will get the design status and operational status Completed and In Operation respectively. Therefore the functional asset structure is primed to be operated. If the compatible unit revision is activated after upgrading the existing active compatible unit revision will obtain the  Superseded status.

Once the compatible unit is activated (when the parts are issued on the work task created from the execution item), the material defined to create functional objects, creates a design object structure for the design object relevant to the compatible unit. The serial objects will be created once the relevant material is issued through the work task connected to the work order and will be placed in the functional object structure relevant to the compatible unit.

Redesign Compatible Unit Revision

This sub process involves redesigning a compatible unit revision or compatible unit structure for upgrading or decommissioning purposes. There is the possibility to select the compatible units within the structure to be redesigned, which in turn creates new compatible revisions in Planned status . The new compatible unit revision will not inherit the execution items from the active revision. These compatible unit revisions can be prepared to upgrade or decommission by altering the compatible unit structure and creating execution items with the work to be performed.

Decommission Compatible Unit Revision

This sub process involves decommissioning a compatible unit revision or compatible unit structure in order to scrap the functional asset structure. The redesigned compatible unit should be in Released status and the work orders and work tasks connected to the execution items should be completed. Further the design object associated with the compatible unit should have the design status and operational status in PlannedForScrap and Out of Operation respectively, to decommission the compatible unit revision. The compatible unit will be set to Decommissioned status .