Writeback for Project Forecast Item in End User Mode
This is a guide on main things to remember when you execute a designed project
forecast item information report with fields enabled for writeback.
Perform Writeback
How to perform writeback can be found in the
Perform Writeback activity. Follow the steps in it with the appropriate
project forecast item report selected.
Priority Order in Writeback
In IFS Cloud when you change a value in project forecast information
the calculation for the rest of the currencies and other fields is done automatically
by the system. In IFS Business Analytics you should manually modify all the
fields you need that are enabled for writeback. Since there are many numeric
fields that contain estimated values in different currencies, a priority order
has been preset when writing back values. This priority order is given below.
Priority Order of Currency Values
For projects with a single currency:
- Base Currency
- Project Currency
For projects with Multi-Currency:
- Transaction Currency
- Base BF Currency
- Project
Priority Order of Estimated Values
- ETC Adjustment
- The following formulas have been used when recalculating values for
the above prioritized writeback.
ETC = Adjustment + ETC CCO + ETC Connected
EAC = ETC + Used + Committed
EAC = Adjustment + ETC CCO + ETC Connected + Used + Committed
- It is recommended that writeback is used only when the Online mode is
enabled. If data mart or incremental load is used there may be a mismatch
in the expected results as the data that is used for editing may not be
the current data. Incremental load is enabled for the project forecast item
information source.
You will get an error message if any of the following has not been completed.
When Modifying Values in Writeback Enabled Fields in a Report:
- A cost line should only contain estimated cost values and a revenue
line should have estimated revenue values.
- An exception line cannot be modified.
- A project cost/revenue element should be entered for each line.
When Inserting new lines in a Writeback Enabled Report:
- A project cost/revenue element should be entered for each new line that
is added.
- There should be a currency code defined for each line.
- If the project ID is not entered it will be retrieved from the forecast.
- If the item type has not been entered it will be retrieved using the
project cost/revenue element. The cost/revenue element should not be a
Node type.
- The default spread type should be set to Manual if the default
profile is Manual.
The following are limitations in IFS Business Analytics which will be addressed
soon, until then you will need to handle them manually.
- You should enter each Item ID manually for the new lines.
- The Fetch Dimension Details checkbox should be cleared when inserting
new lines.
- A valid date should be entered for each new line that is entered.