Evaluate MRO Interim Order Structure History


The History tab shows details relating to the interim order structure history. You can view information such as additions and removals of interim orders as well as changes to interim orders. Usually the history records are the result of changes in maintenance levels and work scope or from modification repairs.

You can see information such as the reason for changes to the interim order structure (i.e., work scope related or manual change to the order structure), or a change resulting from receiving a part that is different than that indicated in the serial structure. You also can see information relating to maintenance level changes and impacted interim orders as a result of changes to the order structure.

Changes in work scope definition can result in additional parts being exposed for maintenance, or previously-exposed parts no longer being exposed. This type of changes requires updates to the interim order structure where possible. When more parts are exposed, it is fairly simply to update the structure with additional interim orders. However when previously-exposed parts are no longer exposed, deleting the associated interim orders from the structure is more complex. If the interim order is still in a Created state, the order will be removed from the order structure. If the interim order is in any other state, the order will not be removed from the structure.

Disposition orders also may sometimes change to disassembly orders as a result of a work scope change, if the state of the disposition order allows this. Thus, a part previously intended to be dispositioned is now scheduled to be further disassembled, since the work scope change resulted in requiring some or all of the components of this part to be further exposed. Such changes are also recorded in the History tab.



System Effects