Connect WPS Cluster ID to Equipment Objects


This activity is used to define the WPS Cluster ID for Equipment Objects, which is used to group Equipment Objects based on how they function.

Much of the time, when a piece of equipment is shut down, an entire process is affected and several other pieces of equipment will need to be shut down as well. If maintenance activities can be clustered based on these equipment groups that function together, there is a good chance of reducing the number of maintenance stoppages. WPS Cluster ID is used to achieve this. 

The Work Planning and Scheduling (WPS) solution can be set up in a way that increases the likeliness of clustering maintenance work. This is done using the equipment grouping mechanism based on WPS Cluster IDs. The WPS Cluster ID, which can be set on the equipment object record indicates which cluster a particular equipment belongs to from a maintenance perspective. WPS Cluster ID set up on equipment objects will associate them with a group that will be affected together when any one of them requires being shut down. Using this functionality, maintenance departments can easily be shown work due, or soon to be due, on the associated equipment while production is down for a specific casualty along with the available resources to perform the work. This may save a later shut down for planned maintenance on the associated equipment thus making up the lost production time.


Object Clusters must be defined as basic data in WPS Object Clusters page

System Effects

Equipment Objects can be grouped based on WPS Cluster ID and this allows Work Planning and Scheduling solution to identify clusters of work that can be planned together.