To analyze non-conforming top parts, select parts and click Analyze Part on the Non Conforming Top Parts tab. In the tree structure it is easy to identify parts that have a calculated W/W exceeding the defined threshold W/W for any of the regulated substances. You can also study the material declaration quality for each part in the tree structure. A part is only defined as passed if the calculated w/w is less than the defined threshold w/w and if the material declaration quality is Full Declaration.
To be noticed is that all top parts containing any of the non conforming are listed also top parts which isn’t included in the analysis. It is however possible to select whether to show all top parts or only the parts included in the analysis.
You can use the Non Conforming Parts tab to follow up non conforming parts and where they are used, i.e. part which has a tree structure with one or several branches containing any of the of non conforming parts.
Use the Parts Included in Analysis tab to easily follow up on the parts that constitute the base for the analysis. Note that this table will contain all analyzed parts. This means that if the selection of a part differs between two or several analysis occasions then all parts are listed, the result is not cleared when re-executing an analysis. If you need to remove some parts from the analysis then you must either clear the analysis or you should create a new revision.
Click Show Journal to follow up different events executed in the past. You can easily determine, what has been done, when it is done, who has done it and what the difference is.