Define Usage Emissions


You can set the amounts of usage emitted by substances per lifetime unit of measure (UOM) and per part. You can also define additional emissions and the frequency of the additional emission during the use phase of the part.

Use the Usage Emissions section to set the amounts of substances emitted per lifetime unit of measure (UOM) and per part. This is used to calculate the total amount of the emission during the use phase of the part. An example could be the CO2 emissions emitted when using a lawn mower.

Use the Additional Emissions section to calculate any additional emissions and the frequency of the additional emission during the use phase of the part. An example of an additional emission could be a polish used for a car. The polish contains some toxic substances, it is not needed for the use of the car, but still contributes to the total LCA of the car. Hence the emission caused by the use of the polish can be considered as an additional emission.


System Effects