List Regulated Substances


The Regulated Substances tab is used to list substances which are of specific environmental concerns due to government or customer regulations. Each substance must be specified with a threshold w/w (%) value. The threshold w/w (%) is the quotient between the weight of the regulated substance included in the analyzed part and the weight of the part itself. The threshold w/w (%) can however be defined as zero. This is possible since the material declaration quality could be blank and hence the weight of the substance is probably unknown or very unreliable, but it is still of interest to know if the substance exists in the part to any extent This is useful when the knowledge about the weight of a regulated substance is inadequate because the containing the substance can be tracked and listed as non conforming.

To generate substances for the requirement ID, click Analyze on Criteria. All substances matching a selected criteria can be added to the list of regulated substances before execution of the analysis. You will notice that the threshold w/w value for substances added based on criteria are always defined with a threshold w/w value of zero. If the threshold value should be something else for all or some of the added substance, then you should manually perform an update.


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