You can define your own item types and connect them to a reference item type. A reference item type determines how an item influences the work scope and the cost build-up of the estimate. The purpose of the reference item type is to provide the option to group costs for the items within the tree structure in a more accurate way than just the reference item types. The estimate item type is used on the item header.
These are the reference item types;
It is also possible to connect an estimate type to a user defined item type. This connection has an impact on the selection of item types when creating a new item header. An item type with an estimate type connected appears only in the list of value if the estimate type is defined in the estimate header.
If no estimate type is connected to a user defined item type then it is always included in the selection of possible item types when creating a new item header, this independent of if the estimate header is connected to an estimate type or not.
Note that the ID cannot be changed after saving the record.
As a result of this activity, a user defined estimate item type is defined in the system and can be used on the item header.