Define Alternate Parts


Use this activity to define parts that are interchangeable with each other. These parts are generally referred to as primary and alternate parts. Enabling the Fully Interchangeable option on the Alternate Parts tab of the Part page will automatically create a corresponding record in the part catalog record for the alternate part. Fully Interchangeable option is selected by default, indicating that the alternate part (as identified on the current line) is an acceptable replacement to the primary part (as identified in the page header). When you disable the Fully Interchangeable option, no record will be created for this part. Use the Notes field to record any information (including data source reference) you might want to retain for the alternate part.

The data entered here will be used to control the values included in the Lists of Values in other parts of IFS Cloud where alternate parts are used. These Lists of Values will be filtered in different ways depending on which types of parts can be used.


The parts you want to enter must have an existing part catalog record.

System Effects

The parts entered on the Alternate Parts tab of the Part page will be used to control which alternate parts are allowed in IFS/PDM Configuration and IFS/Vehicle Information Management (VIM) for alternate parts in engineering part revisions. In IFS/Purchasing, IFS/Customer Orders, and IFS Manufacturing, the information will be used for the Lists of Values in the basic data pages for alternate parts.