Manufacturing Scheduling and Optimization (MSO)

Manufacturing Scheduling and Optimization (MSO) solution optimize the use of manufacturing resource constraints and in turn creates finite schedule for the shop floor to execute production activities. The primary users of MSO are manufacturing planners, supervisors and machine operators. Production schedule decides the overall time sequence of manufacturing execution. Therefore, the most optimize schedule will result in the achieving the business objectives of a manufacturing organization

MSO solution uses Planning Scheduling and Optimization (PSO) solution as the scheduling and optimization engine. MSO create optimized schedule by scheduling activities in the most appropriate time interval in the timeline while giving due consideration to the scheduling cost of the resource and other scheduling parameters, namely, characteristic constraints, resource share capabilities of machine and labor resources, shop order scheduling information and priorities and calendars.

Optimization takes time. The planners can decide the level of maximum optimization they expect from the schedule and the maximum time the MSO solution should spend searching for a solution. This planner defined optimization goal is called scheduling quality. The planner defined maximum wait time is called waiting time. MSO solution starts working on finding a optimized scheduling solution no sooner it gets a scheduling request from the planner. The scheduling algorithms in MSO will work on optimize solution and no sooner it reaches a solution, which may not be the most optimized will check if the waiting time target or quality target is exceeded. If yes , then MSO will return that as a optimize plan for the user. Based on the scheduling mode the planner is using for the site the optimization process may continue or stop. In the case of “Static” scheduling mode in MSO it will stop looking for more optimized solution while in MSO “Automatic” scheduling mode, it will continue to look for more optimized solution until it finds the best solution for the Scheduling problem. After the Scheduling completion achieved plan quality will be shown in 'Shop Order Scheduling Analysis' window together with overall analysis.

Settings Affecting Manufacturing Scheduling and Optimization

MSO creates finite schedule as per the manufacturing and shop order scheduling data. Therefore, it is essential to set the data that affect the shop order schedule before using MSO.

Scheduling Configuration Modes

For all other parameters default values will be used; OpenIdAutority and OpenIdClientId are set based on the PSO client tenant IDs