Modify Scheduling Optimization Constraints


Use this activity to modify scheduling optimization constraints. These constraints are defined when a site is set up to use MSO solution. When finite scheduling is executed, based on the results, it may be needed to modify schedulng optimizaton constraint to yeild desired resutls based on changed business and shop floor reasons. It is adviceble to alter the site scheduling optimization cosntraints rather than miodficying them everytime selective finite scheduling is executed. The reason is, MSO optimization logic endvour to create a finite schedule which is optimized globlaly to meet the objectives defined as scheduling and time constraints in varous places in IFS Cloud. This task is to be performed by a manufacturing planner or equivalent person. These parameters are functional parameters which will define the nature of the final finite schedule.

For all MSO Scheduling modes ( Automatic, Static and Static Selective), it is required to define suitable optimizaiton constraints.The planner has to execute finite schedules with different schduling optimixaiton constraints to find the best values for these constraints over the time.

Avalable Parameters are:


System Effects