Serial Numbers in DOP

To achieve traceability of parts and part revisions, it is possible to reserve serial numbers on customer orders, purchase orders, shop orders, and also DOP headers and DOP orders.

General flow

When using serial numbers in the DOP module, they can be transferred from a customer order to a DOP header. When a DOP structure is created, the serial numbers are moved from the DOP header to the top DOP order.

If the DOP order's demand is reduced with respect to netting of current inventory and excess parts on other orders, the demand on the orders is reduced, and the number of corresponding serial number reservations are reduced automatically as well. The last (highest) serial numbers are unreserved.

Releasing a DOP structure affects the serial numbers to be moved from the DOP order to the pegged shop order. The transferring of serial numbers to purchasing will occur when creating a purchase order from the pegged purchase requisition.

When receiving supply from a shop order to a parent DOP order with serial number reservations, there will be a reserved serial structure created automatically in the shop order module. If no serial number reservation exists for the parent DOP order part, the reserved serial structure has to be created manually by the user.

If a DOP header is cancelled (removed) or closed, any existing serial number reservations on the header are removed at the same time.

DOP part with serial effectivity

A special case of serial handling is when using a part with serial effectivity, (the revision and alternative is derived from the reserved serial numbers). If the ordered part has serial effectivity, the main flow is to reserve serial numbers on the customer order. These are transferred to the DOP header when releasing the customer order. If serial numbers are not reserved on the customer order or the DOP header is not pegged to a customer order, the serial numbers can be reserved on the DOP header or the DOP order as well.

The main flow is then to copy a default structure from BOM. If serial numbers are reserved, the user can also choose to only create the top order. If no serial numbers are reserved for a serial effective DOP header, it is the choice of the user how to create the structure; copy from BOM, from another DOP order or only create a top DOP order.

If a DOP order in the structure has a part with serial effectivity, the structure break down will stop. A log will be generated on the DOP Logs page. From DOP Logs, the user can reserve serial numbers for the DOP order, and continue the structure break down.

If serial numbers are not reserved on the customer order or the DOP header is not pegged to a customer order, the serial numbers can be reserved on the DOP header or the DOP order as well.

When releasing a DOP order with serial effectivity, a check is done to see whether serial numbers are reserved. If not, the DOP orders are placed in an error log on the DOP Logs page. From DOP Logs, serial numbers can be reserved, and the user can try to release the DOP orders again.