View Representative Details Page


This activity is used to view the details page of a representative in the CRM- or SRM-panel. Select/open a mail or calendar item in Outlook. Go to IFS CRM/IFS SRM tab and click on the icon to open the CRM- or SRM-panel. Click on the representative in the Recipients/Attendees list to go to the details page.

Select a Lead, Account or Supplier to view data related to that record. To view data for all leads, accounts or suppliers, select the Show all data option. The Contacts list will show all contacts the representative is connected to. Click on a record to view more details. Click the settings icon to configure the contacts list. Click View in IFS Aurena to open the Contact page in Aurena. Click Copy link to copy the link to the Contact page.

The Business Activities list shows all activities the representative is connected to. Click on a record to view more details. Click View in IFS Aurena to open the Business Activity page in Aurena. Click Copy link to copy the link to the Business Activity page. Click Connect Mail to save the selected mail as a Business Mail and connect it to the Business Activity. Click New Outlook Appointment to create an outlook meeting using information from the business activity. Click In Progress or Completed to change the status of the business activity.

The Business Opportunities list shows all opportunities the representative is connected to. Click on a record to view more details. Click View in IFS Aurena to open the Business Opportunity page in Aurena. Click Copy link to copy the link to the Business Opportunity page. Click Connect Mail to save the selected mail as a Business Mail and connect it to the Business Opportunity.


IFS Outlook Add-In (CRM- or SRM-panel) must have been installed.

System Effects

There are no system effects.