Perform this activity, Finalize Transfer, to execute the rental transfer from the Rental Transfer page.
A rental transfer has to exist and be in the Approved status.
The rental transfer will be executed, i.e., the rental lines on the originating demand lines will be un-reserved/un-issued and be returned to the inventory location from which they were originally reserved/issued.
In case a rental end date has been specified on the rental transfer, rental will be ended for all included originating rental lines.
In case receiving project information has been specified, the assets that are returned will directly be reserved to the receiving demand lines. Additionally, if a rental start date has been specified on the rental transfer, rental will be started for all included receiving rental lines, using the mode ID set in the header of the rental transfer.
When the assets have been rented in from an external supplier and receiving project information has not been specified, executing the rental transfer will automatically create and process a supplier shipment (i.e., executing the rental transfer will effectively return the assets to the supplier).
When the assets have been rented in from an external supplier and receiving project information has been specified, executing the rental transfer will create and process a supplier shipment for the originating demand line, as well as creating a new purchase order line revision for the receiving demand line which will automatically be received. The newly created purchase order line revision will be preposted to the receiving demand line, ensuring that rental cost for the transferred assets ends up on the receiving activity.
When the assets have been rented in from an internal supplier (attached to a supply site of the same company or a different company) and receiving project information has been specified, executing the rental transfer will create and process a supplier shipment for the originating demand line and a return material authorization header and a line will be automatically created and processed at the supply site. In parallel a new purchase order revision will be created for the receiving demand line and the change will be automatically sent to the supply site and processed using the existing change request functionality which will create and add a new supply line to the original internal customer order. This supply line will also be automatically delivered and then received from the new demand line to complete the transfer. The newly created purchase order line revision will be preposted to the receiving demand line, ensuring that rental cost for the transferred assets ends up on the receiving activity.
In case there is a discrepancy between the confirmed quantity and the approved quantity when executing the transfer, only the confirmed quantity will be transferred from the originating activity. Any difference in quantity will remain on the receiving activity in the system and has to be handled manually.
When executing the rental transfer it will be set to the Closed status. This is an irreversible step, so once this status has been set, it is no longer possible to revert statuses or cancel the transfer.