About Resource Schedules

Resource Schedules, Shifts and Capacity

Resource Schedules are generated for individual resources (persons, tool/equipment, machines and crews) based on either their connect HR schedule (persons only) or Work Time Calendar. This is defined on the Resource Details page and are considered to be the resource base schedule. In addition to the base schedule, it is possible to connect user-defined Shift Pattern Templates for periods of time where the resources need to work differently from their base schedule. Note that a base schedule is required even if a shift pattern template is used.

Resource schedules are generated either as a re-occurring scheduled task or manually by using the Generate Resource Schedules and Capacity dialog.

The resource schedule is made up of resource shifts that can be edited without effecting the resource base schedule. This gives resource managers and planners high flexibility to handle current and a future work situations by adjusting the resource shifts as needed. The resource shifts make up the capacity for the resource and if a shift is edited, the corresponding resource capacity record is also updated to reflect the change in capacity.

View and Manage Resource Shifts

When resource shifts have been generated, it is possible view the result in different pages;


This section explains concepts used in the resource schedules and shift planning solution:

Resource Shift

The resource working shift, including breaks. The shift can be generated from the resource base schedule or connected shift pattern templates. Resource Shifts can also be added manually and existing shifts type can be used as templates. It is possible to update resource shifts by changing the shift start or end time or any existing breaks. If changes are done, a shift deviation is created.

Resource On Call Shift

The resource on call shift, excluding breaks. The on call shift can only be generated from a connected shift pattern template. Resource on call shifts can also be added manually and existing shift types can also be used as templates. It is possible to update on call shifts by changing the shift start or end time. If changes are done, an on call shift deviation is created.

Resource Base Schedule

The resource base schedule is the HR schedule or Work Time Calendar connected to the resource and used to generate resource shifts. It is mandatory to define a base schedule to be able to generate resource shifts, even if a Shift Pattern Template is used. The base schedule data can be viewed in Resource Availability page.

Resource Base Shift

The base shift is the result of generating resource shifts and can be based on the resource connected HR Schedule, Work Time Calendar or Shift Pattern Template. The base shift data can be viewed in Resource Availability page.

Resource Shift Deviations

Shift deviations are created to hold and record changes between the generated resource shifts and any manual change that is made to those resource shifts or breaks. The shift deviation will ensure that the deviation persist even when the resource schedule is re-generated. The changes made to the shift or break will directly be reflected in the resource's capacity. If the shift deviation is removed, the base shift is re-instated and the corresponding capacity is updated.