Print Quotation


A printout of the sales quotation can be ordered from any status. The printout will be marked as Preliminary if the quotation header or any of its lines have not been released. If the quotation header has Released status when the printout is performed, the Printed option will be enabled and the quotation date will be stored.

It should be noted that changing a printed or rejected quotation (e.g., changing the additional discount percentage on the header) with Released or Rejected status creates a new revision, sets the status to Revised and sets the Printed option on Sales Quotation/Quotation Details to "No".

On the Sales Quotation page or on the Sales Quotations page, select the Print Quotation option in the Share menu when you want to print out a quotation report. The quotation report can then be sent to the customer. You can subsequently convert the quotation into a general customer order if the customer approves the quotation.


The sales quotation header must have been entered and saved.

System Effects

A quotation report is printed out. The printout will be marked as Preliminary if the quotation or any of its lines are not in status Released. If the quotation has Released status, the print flag is set, the Printed option is set to "Yes" and the quotation date (system date) is stored.