Complete Shipment


This activity is used to complete the shipment, meaning that the content of the shipment is decided. In order to be able to complete a shipment, there must not be any connected quantity not picked. If there is any connected quantity to be picked, you have to decide how to handle this quantity before completing the shipment. This activity can be executed either manually per shipment, manually for all shipments connected to a consolidated shipment or automatically in the shipment flow. You should note that completing the shipment is possible after pick reporting, but before the delivery is performed. A consolidated shipment is defined as one departure of several shipments from the specified site, to all the delivery addresses of the connected shipments. When executed from the consolidated shipment all connected shipments, ready for completion, will be completed.

The Unattached Shipment Lines Allowed option will control whether the shipment can be set to Complete without connecting the shipment lines to the handling unit structure. If the option is disabled, the system will check that all shipment lines of the shipment are also connected to the handling unit structure. If the option is enabled, the system will allow the shipment to be set to Complete without any shipment lines being connected to the structure. However, if some shipment lines have been connected it will always be required that all shipment lines are connected, independent of the option setting.

After complete it is still possible to change the content of the shipment by either removing, modifying or reassigning the quantity of the shipment lines. However when doing this, the shipment will be turned back from the Complete to the Preliminary state. The reason is to indicate that your handling unit structure and documents must be reviewed before delivery.

Apart from reassignment of handling units, changes to the handling unit structure is not possible if the shipment is in the Complete status. If you do need to make changes to the shipment while in the Complete status, the shipment status must be first reversed back to Preliminary. You can then make the necessary changes to the shipment in the Preliminary status, and proceed to complete the shipment thereafter.

Shipments with inventory parts can be completed as soon as they are reported as picked. Shipments with non-inventory parts with a delivery date ahead of today's date need to be reserved, before they can be completed. However, shipments with non-inventory parts with a delivery date of today or before can be delivered directly after the release is done. Shipments with no parts can be completed upon creating the shipment. 

Note that completion of a shipment can be done automatically in the shipment flow if the shipment type allows this.


System Effects