Clock IN using Switch Time


This activity is used to clock IN using switch time. That is, the employee's work time will be accrued to the switch balance connected to the employee.

This type of clocking can be done when you report time on non working days. Therefore, the time you worked during the non working day (switch time accrued to your switch balance) can be used to compensate for your absence on working days. Note that the types of absence that can compensate for you switch time should be specified in your switch balance.

When the IN clocking is created, the employee's identification can either be entered manually or by using a swipe card depending on the setup defined for the In Switch button.

Note: If the Time Clock is operating in Offline mode the clocking records you create using the Time Clock will not be transferred to IFS/Time and Attendance immediately. Instead the information you enter will be buffered and when the Time Clock reverts back online it transfers the information to the Time and Attendance.

Also note that some parameters connected to the employee's work hour rules may block the employee from clocking In attendance or may force the employee to register alternative clocking records. The Disallow Early Clocking parameter will determine how early (compared to the schedules start time) an employee is allowed to clock In attendance. The Limit for Clocking without Absence parameter will determine how late an employee is allowed to clock In attendance. If this maximum allowed time is passed, the employee will be forced to register absence.

If IFS/Manufacturing is installed in the system;

When the resume option specified for employee in the Manufacturing Labor Class page is set to Ask for Resume, a warning message will be prompted when employee creates the IN clocking. This will give employee the option of resuming the shop order operations or indirect jobs which were auto stopped on the previous day.

However, if the employee's last auto stop clocking was a team clocking, the Join Team dialog box will open instead of the warning message enabling the employee to join a labor team at the time of the IN clocking. The team from which the employee last clocked out will be selected to the Team field by default. If required this value can be changed. Click OK to save the information.


In order to perform this activity;

System Effects

As a result of this activity;