This activity is used to locate Required parts from other warehouses within user defined search range.Results will return all eligible warehouse locations in green and yellow pins.
GPS settings on Application level and User-Device level should be enabled in backend. Device Location setting should be ON and Location tracking is enabled in the device and allowed for the Application. Device should be online.
Eligibility criteria on warehouse types should be defined in Warehouse set up for Service.
Warehouse Type must have been given for warehouses.
Geolocations must have been created for warehouse addresses.
Mobile Warehouses with searched Part within the given radius is shown on the map. Each Mobile
warehouse would provide details in a card view with a contact widget/adderss and access to an external map.
Provide search results with green or yellow pins based on location synchronized time of technician(van) or current status of fixed warehouse.
Movable Warehouses(Vans): Green results are for most recent synchronized locations and yellow results represent technicians who are not synchronized
within the considered Application Parameter time. Fixed Warehouses: Green results are for opened warehouses and yellow results represent
closed warehpouses or warehouses with unknown status.