Enter Progress of Design Object


This activity is used to enter a design object's progress. The progress of a design object is established when a milestone template and a milestone is connected to the design object, for example, an existing milestone with a cumulative progress value of 0% can be selected for the initial stage of your design object.

A milestone template consists of one or more milestones and each milestone will have a pre-defined progress percentage value. These values are defined in design basic data. There are several methods that can be used to enter the progress for a design object using milestone templates and milestones;

When the progress of a design object changes (i.e., a different milestone number is selected) the history record for this object will be updated. As a result, the Information Category field will receive the value Progress Changed.

If a project and an activity is defined on the selected design object, the progress values you enter will be updated on the project activity. Design object progress on the activity is calculated in the same way as a project task. For more information refer to the Project Management in IFS/Asset Design about description.


System Effects

If the design object is connected to a project and project activity, the progress is updated on the project activity.