Handle Design Part Version


This activity is used to determine if a design part should get a new version or be recreated as a new design part. Design part versions enable a design part's history to be saved in a snapshot of a design part. If a supplier or manufacturer changes a design part's general information (e.g., the identification number), but the equipment's technical information is unchanged, a new design part version is created to separate the old from the new. If the technical information (e.g., production capacity) changes, a new design part ID is warranted.

Click Create New Version on Design Part or Design Parts page to create a new design part version.


The design part must be registered.

System Effects

Each time the design part ID is created (or recreated) the version number is indexed by +1. The first time the design part ID is created, the version is set to 1. The first version change would result in the design part version being set to 2.