Asset Design

Description of process

Asset Design is the second of the processes and begins with the basic data from Asset Design Basics. Asset Design is concerned most with registering design objects, establishing the design and sending design object data to potential suppliers via specification sheets. It is also concerned with creating design parts that meet the design object requirements, and establishing document and project connections. The following is a description of each sub process:

Create Design Object

This sub process involves creating a design object with basic information.

Manage Design Object

There are many activities that should or can be performed on a design object. These include, in the preferred order of undertaking:

  1. Change Design Object Class - Change from temporary class to a finalized class, if required.
  2. Define Additional Information on Design Object - Define the manufacturer, supplier, and other secondary information on the design object. This information will include information that was not defined on creating the design object.
  3. Define Values on Technical Attributes - Define values for technical attributes such as the pressure, temperature and volume, for a design object.
  4. Define Serial Object for Design Object - Create a serial object by entering the Part Number and Serial Number, and connect it to the design object.
  5. Define Design Part for Design Object - Allocate a design part to a design object using Design Part Codes or connect the design part to the design object directly.
  6. Change Technical Specification Status - Approve the design object technical information by setting the technical specification status to Approved.
  7. Initiate Work Order for Design Object - Create a work order to carry out some preliminary work on a design object.
  8. Handle Status on Design Object - Change the status of the design object, as required.

Create Design Part

This sub process involves the registration of a basic design part within a design part class that is related to a corresponding object class.

Manage Design Part

There are many activities that should or can be performed on a design part. These include, in the preferred order of undertaking:

  1. Define Additional Information on Design Part - Define the supplier, part number, and other secondary information on the design part. This information will include information that was not defined on creating the design part
  2. Define Values on Technical Attributes - Define values for technical attributes such as the pressure, temperature and volume, for a design part.
  3. Change Technical Specification Status - Approve the design part technical information by setting the technical specification status to Approved.
  4. Handle Design Part Version - Create a new version of the design part, if required. If a supplier or manufacturer changes a design part's general information (e.g., the identification number), but the equipment's technical information is unchanged, a new design part version is created to separate the old from the new. If the technical information (e.g., production capacity) changes, a new design part ID is warranted.
  5. Handle Status on Design Part - Change the status of the design part, as required. Changing the design status to create equipment objects in IFS/Equipment. These objects will usually have design work remaining, but by sending them to IFS/Equipment, maintenance planning can get a head start.

Manage Document Connections for Design Object and Design Part

This sub process involves connecting documents to design objects and design part. Document Revisions should be created via IFS/Document Management first. Basic design documents include drawings, equipment/material lists, specifications, PFDs, P&IDs, and process descriptions.

Manage Design Object Project Connection

This sub process involves connecting a project and activity to a design object, if a default project and activity were not defined in the Define User Settings sub process in Asset Design Basics. You can also define planned costs and hours for the design object and define milestone information on the design object, if none was defined on the design object class.