A design object tree view is a configurable view of a single design object or collection of design objects and related entities in a tree-like structure. In that tree view, configurations can be made to display required design objects. For example a tree view displaying the functional structure of all design objects without parents that can have children.
Once a design object tree view has been created it can be viewed by expanding the Explore Design Objects node. Design objects in the tree view are named using the object ID and description of the design objects, by default.
When creating a design object tree view the first step is to determine whether the tree view should display either:
Additionally it is possible to select if design objects will be displayed from a single plant or all plants allowed for a user. It is also possible to construct the design object tree view to exclude or include objects depending on the design status of the object in IFS/Asset Design and the operational status of the corresponding equipment object in IFS/Equipment. For example, a design object tree view can be configured to include only objects with design status Completed and operational status In Operation.