Cross Reference between Attributes

The cross reference refers to a attribute mapping that has been set up between two design object classes. The configuration enables updates of attribute values between objects. The update applies between a consumer class and producer class, and inturn between consumer objects and producer objects of these classes. For example, an object of the valve gate class has an attribute of flow rate, whose value depends on the value of the flow rate of a process stream object. By creating a process data cross reference record between value gate (consumer class) and process stream (producer class), using the flow rate attribute, it ensures that flow rate changes accordingly on objects of class value gate, by using flow rate on objects of class process stream.

The cross reference could be created in two different ways:

Note! The cross reference between attribute values are today only enabled for classes that share the process data relation

Managing Producer Data Changes

Attribute values for a producer object could be changed and it can have undesirable effects on the consumer objects. To ensure that such a change is discovered, IFS/Asset Design has a special flag function called Producer Data Changed and it indicates that changes has been made. When a new consumer object is created and producer object is entered before saving the record, technical attribute values is automatically copied from the producer object. This is the only situation where technical attribute values are automatically copied by the system. The Producer Data Changed flag will be set in all other situations, for example if the existing producer object is added, replaced or if any technical attribute value is changed on the producer object. The Producer Data Changed flag alerts the user and one of the following actions could be considered:

The above functionality is found in two different assistants. Options to open these assistants are found as Producer Data command on design object page/pages.  This commnad is active on objects where Producer Data Changed flag is set and the objects have design statuses that allow updating the object information.