This activity is used to create a tree view for design objects. A tree view determines the way in which the design object information should be displayed. A design object tree view is a configurable view of a single design object or collection of design objects and related entities in a tree-like structure. For example a tree view displaying the functional structure of all design objects without parents that can have children.
If the tree view is primarily created for design objects it is possible to configure tree settings that enable you to create views of objects according to functional or locational structures and root object nodes. Additionally it is possible to select a particular plant for filtering tree view content. It is also possible to set tree filters to include or exclude design objects depending on status and define tree presentation to your preference.
Once a design object tree view has been created it can be viewed by expanding the Explore Design Objects node, depending on the access level granted by the creator.
One or multiple plants should exist.
A design object tree view is created to visulaize design object information.