Create Design Part Code Collection


This activity is used to create a design part code collection. A code collection generally is a method to codify a supplier's store of equipment. In IFS/Asset Design, a code collection is mostly represented by the design part supplier’s name that can then be used to assign the set of codes provided by the supplier for different asset design classes of a particular standard. It is also possible to use a code collection to represent categories other than suppliers. At a given time one code collection among others can be defined as the Default Code Collection via System Variables. When design objects and design parts have been equipped with design part codes, the possibility of the automatic allocation of the design part to the design object based on a selected code collection, is enabled.  

This activity can be performed on Design Part Code Collection page.


One or more standards for the design part code collection must be defined.

System Effects

A code collection will be created and available for assigning codes on classes specific to the standard.