Print CRS Documentation


This activity is used to order and print the Work Carried Out report or the Work Canceled report for a particular maintenance order. These reports can be ordered from Fleet and Asset Management reports or directly from the relevant maintenance order. It is also possible to print these reports when printing a part certification form for a maintenance order. The reports provide an event-oriented view of all the work carried out or canceled during a maintenance visit.

The Work Canceled report will contain a section for the issuer and operator to add their signatures to the report printout.


To perform this activity, the maintenance order must be in the Work Done status. For the task cards that are to be included in the Work Carried Out report, the Incl. Action Taken in Report option must be enabled for the task card records.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, information on the work carried out and/or canceled during a shop visit can be printed on paper.