Approve Salary Revision Request
A Salary Revision Request once created would go through an approval flow
until it reaches the last stage which is the updating of employee salary. As
soon as a request is created it would be saved in the Preliminary state.
Salary Revision Request statuses are as follows:
- Preliminary - This is the initial state. As soon as
a request is created it will be in the Preliminary state. In this state
a request can be edited and deleted. The 'Confirm' option is enabled.
- Confirmed - The second state possibly performed by
the requester his/herself. Editing is allowed at this state. Other
options enabled are 'Remove Confirmation', 'Approve', 'Reject' and 'Set
- Approved - The third state of the request that can
may ideally be performed by a level higher than the requester. Editing
is allowed at this state. Other options enabled are 'Remove Approval',
'Authorize', 'Reject', 'Set Obsolete'.
- Authorized - In the Authorized state editing is not
allowed. The other options enabled are 'Remove Authorization',
'Acknowledge', 'Request Change', 'Reject' and 'Set Obsolete'.
- Acknowledged - Acknowledging can be done by the
requester him/herself. Editing is not allowed at this state as well. The
other options enabled are 'Remove Acknowledgement', Update Salary' and
'Set Obsolete'.
- Change Requested - If a change is being requested
after the request is authorized it will turn to a 'Change Requested'
state. At this state the other options that will be enabled are
'Authorize' and 'Reject'.
- Salary Updated - This is the last state of the
salary revision request. In this state the salary revision process is
completed, and the employee file will be updated with the revised
compensation details. The employee will be paid the revised salary from
the effective date specified for each compensation type.
- Rejected - A salary revision request can be
rejected in the Confirmed, Approved, Authorized and Change Requested
states. A request in the Rejected state can be obsoleted and deleted.
- Obsolete - Salary requests in Confirmed, Approved,
Authorized, Acknowledged, Salary Updated and Rejected states can be set
as obsolete. Obsolete requests can be deleted.
Salary revision requests in Confirmed, Approved, Authorized,
Acknowledged, Salary Updated and Rejected states cannot be deleted at once.
They need to be first set as obsolete and later deleted. A request in Change
Requested state can be deleted only if it is rejected.
The Approval History of a request can be viewed through the 'Approval
Details' option. The Approval Details captures the status history, the user
who has done the update and the date on which the change was done.
- A Salary Revision should be created.
- The prerequisites that are required for the creation of a salary
revision request should be met.
System Effects
- With each state change the next required state options will be
- Approval History will be updated with each state change.
- The Salary Revision Request main state will be updated with each
state change.