Salary Period Overview is used to do an analysis of salary amounts of selected employee salary revision requests for a given salary period. Employee compensations could be distributed based on various salary periods such as Monthly, Annually, Weekly, Hourly etc. But it is always better to have a comparison of these amounts before taking key decisions. This activity allows the user to convert various salary periods into one before approving them. The functionality only works as a simulation and it will not save any data once the salary periods are converted to a common salary period. This feature is only available in the HCM Services page.
In the Salary Revision Requests page select the requests that need to be analyzed and click on the Salary Period Overview option. In the separate page which opens select the desired Salary Period. The values of the fields Current Total Salary, Proposed Increment and Proposed Total Salary changes according to the select salary period. These fields carry the totals of the relevant field amounts of the salary revision requests listed. Proposed Increment Percentage carries the percentage increment of the proposed total salary in comparison to the current total salary.
When the salary period changes the salary period of the requests shown in the list would also get changed. The amount fields will also be converted to reflect the salary period chosen. Single or bulk approval of selected records can be done through the list. Once an approval is performed that will be saved in the Salary Revision Requests page.