Component Repair Order


A component repair order (CRO) is an electronic document that authorizes the repair or modification of a part. You can use the component repair order to; receive customer owned parts, initiate and execute a repair work scope, ship the parts back to the customer and invoice the customer for the work performed.

Component Repair Order Overview

The component repair order can be considered as the umbrella object which links all objects needed to perform and administrate the repair together. The following objects can be associated with a component repair order; customer order, inventory, repair order, part service contract, cost lines and sales lines. The component repair order consists of a header and lines of two types: repair and exchange. The information entered in the component repair order header is valid for all component repair order lines. It is possible to create several component repair order lines to process different parts but the components must be owned by the same customer; i.e. it isn’t possible to handle services of components owned by different customers on the same component repair order.

The state of the component repair order shows where the component repair order is in the repair process. It also controls what you can do with the component repair order.The following table summarizes the disposition shop order states:

State Description
Planned The CRO has been created.
Released One or more lines associated with the CRO has been released to repair.
Completed One or more lines associated with the CRO has been signed off/completed.
Closed All the lines associated with the CRO have been closed.

CRO Repair

All possible actions for the repair process are done on a line level; such as defining the part number and the quantity to be repaired, receipt of parts, selection of service types, calculation of cost lines etc. It is also on the CRO repair the preferred repair order type is selected. The following table summarizes the CRO repair states:

Example Table
Planned The CRO repair has been created.
Reserved A full or partial assignment to the CRO repair has occurred.
Released The CRO repair has been released.
On Hold The CRO repair has been put on hold.
Completed All supply for the line are completed.
Signed Off All tasks are completed. This step is necessary even if there are no tasks. (This status is only applicable for disposition shop order).
Completed CRO repair is closed. Cost lines and sales lines should be generated and sales lines should be transferred to the customer order before closing the line.

CRO Exchange

All possible actions for the exchange process are done on a line level; such as defining the part number, type and quantity of the exchange, receipt/dispatch of parts as well as approving dispatches and confirming receipts. The following table summarizes the CRO exchange states:

Example Table
Planned The CRO exchange has been created. It will remain in this status also when parts have been reserved.
Released A customer order has been created connected to the CRO exchange.
In Exchange The exchange process has been initiated either by starting to receive or dispatch parts to the customer.
Completed All parts that are to be received/dispatched have been acknowledged. This is set automatically during the confirmation step if all received items have been confirmed and all dispatched parts have been approved. If no this is a manual step.
Closed CRO exchange is closed. Sales lines should be generated and transferred to the customer order before closing the line.