Add New CRO Repair to Existing CRO


Heavy maintenance returns may need to be repaired based on different part provisioning rules defined for part/part groups in the service contract and may need to be installed back at the vehicle once the repair process is completed. Create Repair and Material Lines assistant can be used to create component repair order lines to facilitate the repair of parts, work task material lines to facilitate installation of parts and link repair line to material line when the same part is required to be installed after repair.

Disable Create New CRO Header option and select a CRO number to add to an existing component repair order for repair of selected heavy maintenance returns. Only the component repair orders created from same maintenance order are available in the list of values.

The selected CRO number at the Component Repair Order Details section is assigned for all the return lines with supply option Repair. You can manually change the CRO number of each work task return line.

You can enable Group Repairs to create a single CRO repair for multiple return lines if you want to execute the repairs of parts returned from multiple return lines in a single repair order. Grouping is done based on part number, part ownership, condition code, fault type, preferred service supplier, repair order type, CRO number and CRO line number.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, new CRO repair line is created in an existing component repair order for a return line with part supply option Repair. If the parts have already been returned to the inventory from the return line, they are reserved to CRO repair line.