Enter or Modify Fault Information on CRO Repair


This activity is used to specify fault information detected for the part, i.e., the part’s discrepancy from the original form, fit and/or function. This information might be helpful later on when preparing the work, and for troubleshooting and repairs. The fault information codes are entered as basic data and can then be used on the component repair order. The reason for having predefined fault information is to consistently record the fault information, which can then be used for technical and financial follow-ups and analysis of faults and costs. There is also a free text field where you can enter a longer text with a more detailed description of the fault.

In the Component Repair Order page it is possible to enter fault information which will be used as a template for all repair lines created later on. It is also possible to add or modify fault information on CRO Repair page. In other words, the fault information could be individual to each line which means that there is no connection between the fault information on the component repair order header and the repair line after creation of a CRO repair line.

The following fault information can be specified:


Basic data for the types of fault information that you want to specify must have been created: discovery, symptom, class, cause, fault type and fault description.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, fault information is either added or updated for a component repair order line.