Estimate Contract


Use this activity to estimate a contract. When estimating a contract, all the lines and line items are considered. All the values will be calculated to form the total contract cost or sales value. To assist the estimator, some default values can be defined for the contract to be used on the line items. If necessary, the estimator can override the default values on the line items.

When entering the values, if the calculation type is Cost Value, the values entered will be based on cost. If the calculation type is Sales Value, the values entered will be based on the sales value.


A contract must exist.

System Effects

Calculation Method Calculation Type Quantity Cost Rate Cost Value Mark up Sales Rate Sales Value
Per Unit/Rate Only Cost Value Mandatory Mandatory Calculated Optional Calculated Calculated
Per Unit/Rate Only Sales Value Mandatory Calculated if Cost Value has a value. Optional. Calculated if Cost Rate has a value. If both Cost Rate and Cost Value have values the Cost Value column has precedence and the cost rate will be calculated. Not relevant Mandatory Calculated
Fixed Cost Value Optional. Calculated if Cost Rate has a value. If both Cost Rate and Quantity have values the Quantity column has precedence and the cost rate will be calculated. Optional. Calculated if Quantity has a value Mandatory Optional Calculated if Quantity has a value. Calculated
Fixed Sales Value Optional. Calculated if Sales Rate has a value. If both Sales Rate and Quantity have values the Quantity column has precedence and the sales rate will be calculated. Calculated if Cost Value and quantity is entered. Otherwise empty. Optional Not relevant Calculated if Quantity has a value. Mandatory