Calculate Cost for Single Part, One Level


This activity can be used to calculate costs for one level for an inventory part. 
You cannot perform a cost calculation for cost set 1.This optional task is to be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person. 

When calculating costs, the costs set-up throughout the system are gathered and attributed to the correct part. When calculating the part costs for a cost set, only the level cost for the selected part is calculated. Total level cost does not include accumulated component material costs. No costs for any underlying structure will be calculated. However, already calculated costs of the components one level below, will be rolled up for one level.

This activity can be performed through One Level Part Cost Calculation in Part Cost and Part Costs page.

If by-products exist, the cost of the primary product is calculated in one of the following ways. Either the costs of the by-products are subtracted from the calculated costs to determine the cost of the primary product, or the cost of the primary product is determined using by-product cost distribution. If you use by-product cost distribution, then the by-product cost distribution factors for each of the by-products identify how much of the calculated costs are subtracted. The remaining costs are used for the cost of the primary product.

If material overheads are defined in part overheads, the material overhead is added to to the parent level in the cost structure. When material and general overheads are connected to a part, and the part cost record has a template which consists of a cost bucket that is connected to a cost element which uses cost element source 501 or 502, during cost calculations for a site or part or cost set, the system fetches costs using different overhead units as follows:


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity: