Define Cost Bucket


Use this function to create and maintain cost buckets by site. When a user creates a site, predefined cost buckets will be available. A cost bucket represents the costs of any given part in the system. When using buckets, you can distinguish between costs of the same kind.

Bucket of Element is the standard type, i.e., it is used within predefined buckets at system startup.

Bucket of Burden is to be used as a source for the cost bucket, the tab is available only if the bucket type is Bucket of Burden. When a Bucket of Burden is to be used as Non-deductible Tax, it is important to set the Cost bucket Cost Type of the Bucket of Burden to Non-deductible Tax. Only the Buckets of Burden containing the cost buckets with Cost Bucket Type equal to Material Cost are allowed to be set as Non-deductible Tax.

Bucket of Buckets is to be used as a source for the cost bucket, the tab is available only if the bucket type is Bucket of Buckets.

Buckets of Activity is automatically created with the same name as the activity when you define a cost activity. Optionally, you can create a bucket of activity first and then connect it to an alreday defined activity. This would be the case if you, for example, wanted to connect the same activity to several different buckets. The consumption of activities is what drives costs through the system. The activities themselves are not cost generating. It is their connection to cost centers that causes them represent costs.

Cost Bucket ID Cost Bucket Description
110 Estimated Material Cost
120 Latest Purchase Price
130 Average Purchase Price
140 Planned Purchase Price
150 DOP Purchased Material Cost
160 Purchase Additional Cost Amount
170 Purch Charge on Supplier for Part
200 Labor Runtime Cost
201 Labor Setup Cost
221 Labor Overhead Cost
250 Contract Labor Cost
300 Machine Cost
321 Machine Overhead1 Cost
322 Machine Overhead2 Cost
400 Sub-contracting Cost
421 Sub-contracting Overhead Cost
510 Inter-site Material Cost

A cost bucket defines how part costs are displayed in the system and combines other lower level cost details.  

In the Posting Cost Group field, select the posting cost group to which you want to connect the cost bucket. Note that if you set Mandatory to Use Posting Cost Groups to on in the Posting Cost Groups page, it will not be possible to create new cost buckets without connecting to posting cost groups.

It is not possible to connect the below mentioned Cost Elements directly into a cost bucket.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity: