Replace Cost Template Occurrences


Use this activity to perform a global search and replacement of cost templates. You can switch templates for the part you have specified only, or for the entire structure.

You can also leave out the specified part, and perform the replacement for one or several parts further down in the structure. If for example the part you have specified has the template M-110, and a component (or several) further down in the structure has the template P-110, and you want to replace this with P-120, you do this by specifying P-110 in the Template field, and P-120 in the New Template field, and clicking OK. Also, when you want to include more than the specified part, you have to enable the Include Components setting.

You can also do this replacement for a site by leaving the Part No field blank. You can limit the operation to a specific cost set within the site, or, by leaving the Cost Set field blank, do the replacement for the entire site.

Note: You cannot perform this activity for cost set 1.


You must use the concept of Cost Estimator in your business.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system modifies the Cost Template ID field, which is an attribute to the Part Cost object.