Office Add-In

What is Office Add-In?

The Office Add-In feature in IFS Document Management provides a user friendly technique to handle importing documents to the Document Management application from Microsoft Office applications. Office Add-In is an optional component.



Before installing IFS Office Add-In you need to download and install the Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime which can be found in the IFS Cloud Add-ons page.

Office Add-in can be installed using the provided MSI in the IFS Cloud Add-ons page. If the language of the system in which the add-in is running is supported by the add-in, the add-in when installed, will set its language to that of the system.

With the implementation of Office Add-In, a tab named IFS Applications is added to a number of Microsoft Office applications - Microsoft® Outlook, Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft® PowerPoint®. On this tab, you will be able to find the add-in controls in the IFS Document Management group.


The Settings option in the IFS Applications tab enables you to configure the language to be used for the Office Add-In. You can also configure how to start the application, the path to the documentation files and the local check out path. Furthermore, when this procedure is used for e-mails with attachments stored in Outlook, you can select whether to save the complete e-mail including attachments, attachments only, or have the option of deciding each time a document with attachments is imported.

Language: The language that should be used for the Office Add-In feature. Change the language by selecting another language from the list. Click Manage Language Files to open the folder where you can add new language files.

Documentation base URL: The link used to access the documentation for Office Add-In.

Local check-out path: The local path into which your documents will be checked out. This value is the same as the value given for the local check-out path in the User Settings in Document Management in IFS Applications.

IFS Aurena: Defines how to access IFS Applications. This must be set up for the Office Add-In feature to function.

Select From URL and enter a URL (e.g, http(s)://<Server>:<Port>/Client/Runtime/) if you want to open IFS Applications from a link. Even adding the host and port only for the URL would also be sufficient (e.g, http(s)://<Server>:<Port>) rest of the path will be added by the system and launch the Aurena client during file import.
Note: In Case IFS Applications is accessed through SSL-enabled Application server then URL path must consist of Common Name for the server, configured in SSL certificate and https must be in place instead of http
Example: https://< server ><port> where being the Common Name from SSL certificate.

Save options: This option is only available from Outlook and is used when saving e-mails with attachments. This enables you to select whether to automatically save the complete e-mail with attachments or to only save the attachments. You can also select instead to have the option to manually select how to save e-mails when saving an e-mail with attachments.

Once configured, click OK to apply the settings.


To uninstall the Office Add-In feature, click Programs and Features in the Control Panel and uninstall Office Add-In for IFS Document Management.

For more information about Office Add-In, refer the Create Documents from MS Office Activity Description.